Our Legacy Projects

The seed of Farmers Abroad took root in the Manyinga region of Zambia with two community schools in Chinema and Samafunda.  At the time, it was named the Mayinga Project and both schools were grounded in agricultural education and food production.  Thousands of kids have had the opportunity to receive an education and gain life experience.

The success of the education and agricultural programming could not have been possible without the support of the local community leaders, the teachers, and the agriculturalists. 

Today the schools have transitioned from community and project supported initiatives to being full-fledged government schools.  This is providing long term sustainability for education for these two communities.

What does success look like?

School Report 2022

  • Chinema

    • Over 400 students Over ½ of the students are girls

    • Students in grades 2 through 7

    • The legacy of caring for orphans continues, with about 100 of the students

    • Nine teachers

    • Nineteen goats

    • Ten Limas in corn, 1 Lima equals 0.25 Hectares

    • Garden produce in production

    • Guava trees are now producing enough fruits for the pupils to eat

    • Orange orchard are also producing a few fruits

    • Government support for weekly nutrition program, providing a meal at least once per week for the lower grades

  • Samafunda

    • 236 students

    • 106 of the students are girls

    • Five teachers and one teaching assistant

    • Ten Limas in cultivation, 1 Lima equals 0.25 Hectares

    • Twenty-six goats

    • Garden produces eggplants, ready to be consumed by the community

    • Nutrition program is ongoing